Visualise you Tunes with Code


Table of Contents

  1. Create musical visualisations using coding with Javascript
  2. The P5 coding environment
  3. How digital sound works
  4. Coding
  5. Challenges
  6. Reference

Capturing Sound with the Microphone

Open up the following P5 sketch:

Starter Sketch

The above sketch captures sound from your microphone and turns it into digital data. This data is then turned into a wave.

Run the code. You should be able to make squiggles by speaking or singing:

Microphone wave

Take a look at the code and try to understand how it works:

let sv

function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(600, 600)

  // Create a sound visualiser
  sv = new soundVisualiser()

  // Turn on the microphone input

function draw() {
  // Analyse the sound being played

  // Set the background colour
  // Draw the wave  
  sv.wave(300, 300, 200, 100)

Visualising Frequencies

Add the the following lines after the call to the wave() function in sketch.js:

function draw() {
  // Analyse the sound being played

  // Set the background colour

  // Draw the wave  
  sv.wave(300, 300, 200, 100)

  // Draw the frequency chart
  sv.frequencyChart(200, 300, 200, 100)

Run the sketch. You should now see the frequency chart when you speak or sing.

Frequency chart

Add Code to Play the Music File

Take a look at the files in the P5 sketch:

Music file

You will see a music file called MrJuan_12_OCLock.mp3 (shared under Creative Commons Licence see

We are going to stop listening to the microphone and instead listen to this track. First comment out the enableMicrophone line by placing // in front of it:

function setup() {
  let canvas = createCanvas(600, 600)

  // Create a sound visualiser
  sv = new soundVisualiser()

  // Turn on the microphone input
  // sv.enableMicrophone()


Then add a line to play the track when the canvas is clicked with the mouse:

function setup() {
  let canvas = createCanvas(600, 600)

  // Handle the mouse click event

  // Create a sound visualiser
  sv = new soundVisualiser()

  // Turn on the microphone input
  // sv.enableMicrophone()

Now add these two new functions to the end of the sketch:

function preload() {
  sound = loadSound('MrJuan_12_OClock.mp3')
function togglePlay() {
  // Turn the music on or off
  if (sound.isPlaying()) {
  } else {

Run the sketch. You should now see the charts moving in time to the music.

Vis music file

A Nicer Frequency Chart

Comment out the call to FrequencyChart(). Add a call to frequencyBars():

function draw() {
  // Analyse the sound being played

  // Set the background colour

  // Draw the wave  
  sv.wave(300, 300, 200, 100)

  // Draw the frequency chart
  //sv.frequencyChart(200, 300, 200, 100)
  sv.frequencyBars(200, 300, {numBars:20})

You should see something like this:

Nicer frequency chart

You can also change the colour:

  sv.frequencyBars(200, 300, {numBars:20, colour:color(60, 200, 60)})

Experiment with different colours and different numbers of bars.

Twist it into a Circle

Comment out the call to frequencyBars(). Use this line of code to twist the bars around a circle:

function draw() {
  // Analyse the sound being played

  // Set the background colour

  // Draw the wave  
  sv.wave(300, 300, 200, 100)

  // Draw the frequency chart
  //sv.frequencyChart(200, 300, 200, 100)
  //sv.frequencyBars(200, 300, {numBars:20})
  sv.frequencyRadial(300, 300, {radius:100, numBars:30, barWidth:10, barHeight:50, colour:color("red")})

You should see something like this:

Twist into circle

Try out these ideas:

Experiment with the different parameters to see what you can create.

Try creating different radial charts around the screen.

Energy Circles

We can pick up the energy of the sound wave at different frequencies and use it to animate a shape.

Add the following lines of code:

function draw() {
  // Analyse the sound being played

  // Set the background colour

  // Draw the wave  
  sv.wave(300, 300, 200, 100)

  // Draw the frequency chart
  //sv.frequencyChart(200, 300, 200, 100)
  //sv.frequencyBars(200, 300, {numBars:20})
  sv.frequencyRadial(300, 300, {radius:100, numBars:30, barWidth:10, barHeight:50, colour:color("red")})

  sv.energyCircle(300,300, {energy:"bass", radius:100, fillColour:color("yellow"), strokeColour:color("yellow")})
  sv.energyCircle(300,300, {energy:"treble", radius:80, fillColour:color("green"), strokeColour:color("green")})

The yellow circle represents the bass (low notes), the green circle the treble (high notes). You can set the energy to any of these values:

bass, lowMid, mid, highMid, treble, all

Here are some things to try:

Experiment with different energies, sizes and colours.
Create multiple circles.


You can get quite creative with different shapes. The following function will draw a cat:, 300, 1)  

To get it to move to the music, we need to tell it how to dance! To do that we can pass in some parameters:, 300, 1,
         {mouthHeight:30 * sv.energyAll,
          tailWag:30 * sv.energyAll,
          bodyColour:color(231, 122,122)  

Cat Parameters

These are all the cat parameters you can change (with their default values):

Parameter Default Value
earWidth 50
headSize 100
noseSize 10
eyeW 20
eyeH 15
eyeRotation 30
eyePupilOffset 0
bodySize 140
tailWag 0
legW 80
legH 40
legRotation 30
mouthHeight 0
whiskerLength 100
whiskerWaveHeight 0
bodyColour color(255, 0, 0)
eyeColour color(255, 255, 255)
mouthColour color(0,0,0)

Here are some ideas for you to try:
Create a lead cat and backing group, with the backing group singing different frequencies.
Try changing colours in time to the music.
Make the eyes wiggle.
Make the cats move side-to-side

Table of Contents

  1. Create musical visualisations using coding with Javascript
  2. The P5 coding environment
  3. How digital sound works
  4. Coding
  5. Challenges
  6. Reference