Make Interactive Art with Code


Table of Contents

  1. Create interactive artworks using coding with Javascript
  2. The P5 coding environment
  3. Art, maths and code
  4. Drawing art with code
  5. Challenges
  6. Reference


If you followed through everything to this point and want something more challenging, try these.

Add another shape, with a different colour, e.g


Play around with line colours, line styles, fill colours, etc


Try some text:


Here are some examples of things you can create:

Code 32

More Challenges!

Try out these ideas! Can you see what they do?

Challenges 1 Challenges 2 Challenges 3

Table of Contents

  1. Create interactive artworks using coding with Javascript
  2. The P5 coding environment
  3. Art, maths and code
  4. Drawing art with code
  5. Challenges
  6. Reference